
Mairéad McClean

Need to find out more? contact me.


Mairéad McClean uses material from a diverse range of sources in her films: found footage, historical and family archives, filmed performances and televisual media, appear in many of her single screen films and installations. Her work often features people as they cope with forms of control. Whether the camera follows actual events or follows enactments by a performer, people are seen to challenge or circumvent authority or to improvise with their own actions.

McClean, currently works between Northern Ireland and Bath, UK.

Current projects

Selected as artist-in-residence, working with Beyond 2022 Archive Team under the Decade of Centenaries 2012-2023 Programme, Ireland, I am spending this year producing a longer form film (funded by The Arts Council of Ireland) using material sourced from the new Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland.

The Decade of Centenaries artist in residence scheme is an exciting opportunity for Beyond 2022 to re-imagine Ireland’s deep history with the benefit of a creative gaze. We look forward to welcoming Mairéád and working together with the Trinity Long Room Hub to explore how our national archival tragedy a century ago can inspire creative arts practice to engage new audiences today.

Exhibitions & Screenings

See more detailed listing under the Past and Present tab on the top of this page.


An up to date list of films can be found in the Past and Present section of this website. If you would like to view or screen any of my past films please drop me a line.

Solo show entitled HERE at Belfast Exposed, 2022

Review extract, Art Monthly no 463, February 2023

‘This approach of decoding, rearranging and mashing it up defines Mairéad McClean’s survey show that features film, video, drawing and installation from 1994-2022’, Cherry Smyth

My recent projects

A Line Was Drawn


Commissioned by The Wapping Project London, this film premiered at The London BFI Festival in Experimenta 2019. Read more →

Making Her Mark

10mins/ colour/ 2018

Filmed on the Outer Hebrides in 2017, and commissioned by The Wapping Project, London, Making Her Mark was purchased by The Arts Council of Ireland in 2021.

Read more →

Recent exhibitions

highlights below

Berlin 2020

No More (2013) and Broadcast32172 (2016) showing at Deutscher Künstlerbund e.V , Berlin |17 September – 13 November 2020 | the border | with Susanne Bosch, Mark Clare, Declan Clarke, Sandra Johnston, Mairéad McClean and Eoghan McTigue.

curated by
Albert Weiss

Contact me and provide details about your inquiry. I will get back to you soon.