2022/23 Arts Council of Ireland | Film Funding Project Award for Acts of Memory.

2021/23 Decade of Centenaries Artist-in-Residence working with Beyond 2022 Archive Team in conjunction with Trinity Long Room Hub, Dublin

2021 Arts Council of Ireland, Making Her Mark enters the National Collection.

2019/20 Friends of FE MacWilliam Gallery | Artist’s residency at The Tyrone Guthrie Centre, Annaghmakerrig, Co Monaghan, Ireland.

2017 Major Individual Artists Award | Arts Council of Northern Ireland.

2015 Honorary Jury’s Mention | The 5th Alchemy Video Art Festival, Hawick, Scotland.

2015 Jury’s Special Mention | Now & After Video and Film Festival, Russia.

2014 Winner of the Inaugural MAC International Ulster Bank Art Prize, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

2008 Winner of Ev+a Art Prize | selected by Hou Hanru, Limerick City, Ireland.

2007 Arts and Humanities Research Council | Major Research Award.

2006 Arts Council of England | Production Award. 

2004 Arts and Humanities Research Board | Production Award.

2002 The Northern Ireland Film and TV Commission | Short Film Award.

1999 Irish Cultural Relations Committee | Exhibition Travel Award.

1998 Artist in Residence | The Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Ireland.


2024 The Irish Film Archive | Irish Film Centre, Dublin , Ireland, Acts of Memory (16mm,28mins, 2024).

2017 The Irish Museum of Modern Art for Hennessy Award for The National Collection of Ireland, No More, 2014.

2015 The Arts Council of Northern Ireland, No More,(16mins/2014) and Bell (a) Exchange (2006)

2016 British Film Institute | Arts on Film Collection, Way Past (s16mm/ 10mins/2004) & Movements Recollected, (16mm/22min/1999)